About Us
RescueLegs.com is honored to represent a variety of Brand Name Medical Stockings.
First and foremost …the Quality of our products has been the “Key to our Success.”
When you specify Venosan® …you are buying more that just a Compression Stocking…you are investing in a product of more than (60 years) of developmental and specialist manufacturing…in providing Superior-Quality Stockings.
When you specify Carolon® …you are buying more that just a Compression Stocking…you are investing in a product of more than (37 years) of developmental and specialist manufacturing…in providing Superior-Quality Stockings.
When you specify Jobst® …you are buying more that just a Compression Stocking…you are investing in a product of more than (67 years) of developmental and specialist manufacturing…in providing Superior-Quality Stockings.
Our customers range from the Fashion Conscious Shoppers, Professional Career Men and Women to the Pharmacies and Physicians who request our Medical Compression Stockings for a variety of medical needs.
We try to make our website Convenient and Easy to access. We provide a clear understanding of the benefits of each particular stocking style…true images of our stockings, easy to read size charts and accurate color swatches for every style.
We take Great Pride in making sure your buying experience is as easy and friendly as it can possibly be.
If you have any questions please contact our Customer Service Department between the hours of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM (Eastern Time), Monday-Friday at:
United States
Toll Free (844) 629-9642
Fax (877) 232-8855
You may also contact our Customer Service Department via e-mail at
We promptly respond to all emails.