Be SAFER And HEALTHIER Throughout the Holidays!!

Have a Safer and Healthier Holidays

As much as most all of us look forward to end of the year holidays, they can be Hazardous and Stressful for many. The holiday season can be overwhelming with anxiety of decisions to make, our coming and going, even overextending ourselves. Careful “planning” and thoughtful choices will go a long way towards keeping us Safer and Healthier throughout the holidays.

Please NOTE some helpful Tips for a Safer and Healthier Holidays:

  • Cut the Stress Level – by keeping things simple. Give yourself permission to “cut corners” if needed. Do LESS going and coming, by shopping online. Use LESS decorations around your home. Take me, myself “breaks.” Listen to soothing music and practice taking deep breaths.
  • Skip the Fast Foods – by preparing in advance – healthy, low-fat snacks and meals, while you’re on the go.
  • Getting plenty of Sleep – Our minds are constantly zooming in on all the things you need to do -this causes mental and physical fatigue. Lack of SLEEP has powerful effects on immune functioning and threats of various health disorders. Note in the “studies” done by the CDC / Center for Disease Control and Prevention article March 31, 2020 Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. loss can negatively affect different parts of the immune system. 1) Sleep loss reduces natural killer (NK) cell activity, which increases the risk for cancer and viral infections. 2) Sleep loss generates production of inflammatory cytokines, which increases the risk for cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. 3) Sleep loss reduces production of antibodies, which increases the risk for infections.”
  • Drink plenty of WATER – Just about every function in our bodies is dependent on an adequate supply of Water. Keeping well hydrated, Helps – have higher Energy level during the busy time and Helps better brain function in making wise decisions during the holidays.
  • Keep Your Legs Healthy for Holiday Travels – We try to remind and educate our readers during the holiday season, how important it is to wear support Travel Socks or Support Stockings for the health of your legs, particularly when you travel long distance. Please Note – if you suffer from the contributing factors of vein disease, you could be a RISK for developing (Life-Threatening) conditions like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and even a pulmonary embolism. Studies have shown that one in 10 people who travel (long distance flights) develop blood clots according to scientists, (sitting still for long periods…increases risk).
  • Stay Cheerful and Spread the JOY – A merry heart does good, like a good medicine. Don’t let little setbacks get you down, and don’t expect perfection. Cut some slack for yourself and others around you. Be thoughtful – reach out to a lonely neighbor or someone you know that does not have family during the holidays. Remember to “count” our blessings too, as it tends to improve physical and emotional health.

Finally, remember to have FUN, as you endeavor to make the holidays Safer, Healthier and Joyful for yourself and those you care about.

Happy Holidays!!!

Written by Gwen Marion our “Certified Fitting Specialist” on November 17, 2022

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