Should I (SLEEP) in my Compression Stockings?

compression socks helps swollen feet and legs

My doctor emphasized putting my compression stockings on early in the morning, however he never mentioned when to take them off. First and foremost, depending on your diagnosis, make sure to check with your physician’s guidelines on wearing anti-embolism compression stockings (24-hours) including to bed. There are medical conditions that require wearing compression stockings around the clock. However a worth note of caution, most physicians recommend daily wear until bedtime. Keep reading to find out why most physicians recommend wearing medical compression stockings daily until bedtime. Light support anti-embolism compression stockings can be worn to sleep in.

How do Compression Stockings WORK?

Compression Stockings are elastic stretchable stockings to help your veins, by putting mild pressure or gentle “squeeze” on your legs to decrease swelling in them. Compression stockings helps stimulate proper blood circulation, helping blood flow more quickly up the leg. By keeping your blood moving back to the heart, will help prevent blood clots from forming.

Keep in mind that when you’re lying down, the venous pressure in your lower extremities of your legs is equalized and it may not be necessary to wear them. However when you are on your feet the veins in your legs are pressurized, your muscles are feeling the compression. Compression stockings provide more compression when you move and your muscle is flexing, and less compression when your lying down.

Different Levels of Compression

When an individual is hospitalized (low compression stockings) such as the anti-embolism stockings or sometimes called TED hose­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ are used. Please read an informative May, 2018 article posted  Authorized by: Consultant, Department of General Surgery. This article educates the reasoning why wearing TED hose are important. Note the reasoning… “Thrombo-Embolus Deterrent (TED) Stockings are also known as Compression Stockings or Anti-Embolism Stockings and are specially designed stockings that help reduce the risk of developing a deep vein thrombosis (also referred to as a DVT) or blood clot in your lower leg after your surgery, while you are unwell or while you are less active than normal. A DVT can sometimes lead to a more serious condition called pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs); wearing TED stockings helps to reduce the risk of this happening.”

Many times these light weight compression hose are prescribed for home use, following surgical procedures. So you may want to consider a (medium to firm compression stocking) during the day while your on your feet and put on a Lower grade of light compression for bed time.

Interesting (Tid-Bit), it’s best to put on your Compression Stockings at the start of the day. Reason, because your legs are less swollen in the morning making it much easier to put them on. You’ll be able to do more during the day and sleep better at night.

Feel free to call our Toll Free # at 1-844-629-9642, one of our Certified Fitting Specialists will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Written by admin on October 28, 2013

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