Extra Firm 30-40 mmHg

Extra Firm 30-40 mmHg Compression Socks
Our 30-40 mmHg compression socks are considered an extra firm graduated compression. Doctors commonly refer to this level of compression as Class 2 compression. Rescue Legs class 2 compression socks seek to improve venous circulation to get your blood circulating more effectively. After most vascular surgeries such as Venous Closure, Laser Ablation, Vein Stripping, and Ambulatory Phlebectomy procedures, doctors recommend 30-40 mmHg graduated compression socks. This level of extra firm compression socks is mostly used to combat diseases like lymphedema and chronic severe venous insufficiency. These occur when damaged valves in the leg’s lead to blood pooling in the leg, causing much pain, which can lead to skin damage and leg ulcers, if not treated. Also helps prevent the recurrence of Venous Stasis Ulcers, while helping soothe your tired, aching swollen legs and feet for all-day therapy. These stockings should be used by the direction of your physician.