
Light 15-20 mmHg

Light 15-20 mmHg

Light 15-20 mmHg Compression Socks and Stockings

Our light 15-20 mmHg compression socks and stockings provide the support needed to enhance venous circulation in customer’s lower extremities while aiming to reduce fatigued, aching, and swollen legs. Use our light compression socks and stockings for individuals who sit for long durations of time and for long distance frequent air travelers. Wearing a 15-20 mmHg support sock helps reduce the likelihood and RISK of blood clot formation in a DVT / Deep Vein Thrombosis. These stockings help increase and improve circulation in the legs to reduce any swelling that can lead to DVT and clotting on a long flight. Check out our men and women's wide selection of light support stockings and socks. We provide multiple sizes and specialize in plus size options for men and women’s compression products. 

Try a pair of our light 15-20 mmHg compression socks and stockings today, feel the true benefits they bring, supporting your legs!